

All the details about our green office in Barcelona

The eco-renovation of yök Casa + Cultura is still in full swing but this week we moved into our office. This small (35m2) yet multi-functional space, equipped with a kitchen and toilet, serves as our reception as well as event space. The best thing […]

Photos from the eco-renovation

Here some posts of our eco-renovation from our @yokbarcelona Instagram! José, our always cheerful and meticulous painter: Marcelo, fabricating the MOByök from upcycled cardboard: Our happy carpenter, finishing off the recycled wooden kitchen with a natural oil coat: Stainless steel plugs by […]

The history of our building on c/Trafalgar 39

Vicente de la Fuente, expert in Modernismo/Art Nouveau, finally found out who the architect of our building is. It was done in 1900 by Antonio Costa i Guardiola (not Antonio Rovira i Rabassa as we initially thought). You can read the full history of […]

Look & feel of our spaces

These renders by Marcelo Cannarsa  will give you an idea what the spaces will look like when we finish eco-renovating.