

Toilet Humor by Richard Branson

Putting up instructions for guests can be tricky. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, wrote an interesting piece on Toilet Humor which includes the following quote: “Please do not flush nappies, sanitary towels, old mobile phones, unpaid bills, your ex’s jumper, hopes, dreams […]

Ray Anderson, a great inspiration!

Here’s a message from a very inspirational man, Ray Anderson, the radical industrialist who climbed mount sustainability. We recommend his book “Confessions of a Radical Industrialist: Profits, People, Purpose -Doing Business by Respecting the Earth”. Watch his TED talk “The business logic […]

4 Keys To Turning Customers Into Brand Evangelists 

4 Keys To Turning Customers Into Brand Evangelists by SmartDesign: “People are why you’re in business. 1. Be personal: Why does your product matter to users? 2. Be smart: Develop loyalty 3. Be exciting: Never stop evolving 4. Be yourself: Don’t overlook your […]

Fuck cars, cycle around Barcelona!

We think these #FuckCars socks by MBP are perfect to cycle around Barcelona! Get them at My Beautiful Parking.