

#3 Celebrate different cultures

#3: celebrate different cultures, not just our own. We would for example like to hold international bean salad competitions and have everyone travel the world with a Global Citizen passport …  

#2 Be a social hub

#2 is about creating a space for people by people. In that we look up to the lobby of the Ace Hotel and we like the Open Plan by Andre Pradiktha!  

#1 Reflect the real Barcelona

During august we will publish the yök Manifesto, starting today! Special thanks to Alfons Cornella for pushing us to do this and the Manifesto Project for providing the necessary inspiration. #1 is about celebrating the real Barcelona in order to fight the […]

Sustainable tourism: the rise of the eco-boutique hotels

Sustainable tourism: the rise of the eco-boutique hotels. Boutique hotels are embracing the zero-carbon trend. But it’s about profit as well as planet, writes Elisabeth Braw for the Guardian.