

What is Barcelona Design?

Quin és el disseny Barcelona? Et convidem a compartirlo aquest divendres durant les Portes Obertes del Glitch Lab en la Barcelona Design Week. Quin és el disseny Barcelona és una instal·lació de Pöko Design i No Som Hotel, amb la col·laboració de Ryan […]

Why the future of capitalism is homegrown, small scale, and independent

Indie Capitalism is the way to go! 4 Reasons Why The Future Of Capitalism Is Homegrown, Small Scale, And Independent: Indie capitalism is local, not global, and cares about the community and jobs and says so right up front. Indie capitalism is […]

Celebrate La Mercè in Barcelona

If we had a hotel already, you would find it full of human towers, correfocs and big-heads this weekend for La Mercè!  

Bees on top of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel

Here is my report for Treehugger about assisting at the honey harvest of the roof of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in NYC! If beekeeping can be done in Hong Kong and NYC, why not Barcelona?