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SEP 2020. 8 Hoteles Ecológicos y Sostenibles en Barcelona

This eco-friendly hotel is situated 600m from the Cathedral of Barcelona. It boasts of a unique design and sustainable accommodation a product of renovations that were based on eco-sustainability needs. The yök Casa + Cultura was essentially built on eco-design standards. Filtered water, vintage crockery and local products are some of the thing’s visitors enjoy. There is more. Guests also have access to guided tours, and they can enjoy cultural events that focus on the city, design and sustainability.

JUL 2019. RTL Luxembourg vino a entrevistarle a Petz para el programa de negocios Kapital.

A partir del minuto 23:26 en Luxemburgués!

A Luxembourger sells sustainable tourism in Barcelona.

MAY 2019. Estamos muy agradecidos de aparecer en la portada de la revista sueca Klokahem, y apreciamos el reportaje tan completo y las maravillosas fotos de su visita. Klokam es «una revista de casa y hogar para una vida más sabia, más ecológica, sostenible y más placentera».

SEP 2018. 永續、修復、再利用 舊旅店妙手回春. ¡Salimos en el Business Today de Taiwan!

Business Today Taiwan加泰隆尼亞的經典花磚鋪底,屋頂還原拱式磚瓦,滑動式的陽台木門一推開,陽光率性地賴在二手木搖椅上,光滑卻斑剝的把手沉靜而優雅。室內設計師休土絲(Petz Scholtus)在設計界打滾了十來年,她善於妙手回春二手資源為家具與設計品,個性龜毛的她,連浴室的洗手槽與廚房的杯盤,都是她從古董市集挖寶而來的。[…]

JUL 2018. Picupi nos ha publicado en China! Thank you Julien for your visit.

「歡迎來到 yök!」早上十點鐘,兩個女孩殷切地帶著我到頂樓戶外陽台共進早餐,一踏進門,讚嘆聲不間斷,不只是因為城市美景一覽無遺,而是驚艷於原來結合永續概念的室內設計可以這麼美!
眼前的是室內設計師 Petz Scholtus 與旅館管理家 Mari Marañís Rodríguez。她們熱情於實踐友善環境,謝絕盲從追隨主流意識的觀光文化,渾身活力的她們讓你相信你踏入了對的地方,設計旅店 yök Casa + Cultura 就是她們的夢想窩,僅僅的三間房間,孕育著她們的信念。[…]

JUN 2018. Barcelona Slow Tourism featured us in 7 Barcelona best hotels and places to stay for the eco-friendly traveler. ¡Qué bien que más y más sitios se preocupan por el impacto de su actividad!.

yok press Barcelona slow travelYök Casa + Cultura is one of those projects that would be a reason on its own to visit Barcelona. It is a living example of the perfect renovation of a 1900’s Modernist (Catalan Art Nouveau) apartment into 3 green luxury rental apartments.

JUN 2018. Vida Verde es el programa RTVE que habla de iniciativas nacidas para cambiar nuestro estilo de vida a favor de un mayor respeto por el Medio Ambiente y el entorno natural. Vinieron a entrevistarnos para «Exceso de Equipaje», un programa especial destinado a entender los efectos de la masificación turística en las ciudades, a través de ejemplos que analizan el fenómeno o buscan salidas sostenibles. Salta a nuestra entrevista aquí.

yok press rtveVisitamos yök Casa Cultura en Barcelona, un modelo de alojamiento turístico sostenible que han creado Petz y Mari, nos explican detalles de su filosofía y manifiesto.

ABR 2018. Charleen para Travel & Lust: yök – an eco and cultural stay in Barcelona

yok press travel and lust[…]What is quite impressive about yök Casa + Cultura, is the way they pair sustainable aspects, design and a slow concept in the period building. It isn’t preachy at all, in fact, they make sustainable apartments very accessible. They offer apartments suitable for all. The name “yök” comes from the Catalan word “lloc”, meaning place or location and interestingly, it also acts as a metaphor for yolk – being the centre of things. This is very representative of what both Scholtus and Rodriguez have created in Barcelona. An alternative to a hotel and typical apartment rental agency, yök Casa + Cultura engage with their guests and encourage them to use the space in its entirety. This includes a jaw-dropping terrace where all can unite and bask in the views. […]

MAR 2018. Nosotros en el Venue Report: A new form of accommodation that truly connects visitors with locals and the city.

yok press the venue reportyök Casa + Cultura is not a hotel, but it is not your typical apartment rental either. Run by eco­designer Petz Scholtus, originally from Luxembourg and living in Barcelona since 2004, and hotel­ management expert Mari Rodríguez, born and bred in the Catalan capital, yök proves that the devil is in the details and that better tourism is possible. […]

SEP 2017. Matthew Anello entrevista a Petz para su show Zest for Life en la Barcelona City FM radio.

JUL 2017. Demano entrevistó a Petz para su blog.
[…] What is the difference between yök Casa + Cultura and other apartments in Barcelona?
A part from the fact that our apartments are eco-friendlier than most, offer hotel-style quality and services, and truly represent the local culture, it is the fact that we personally meet all our guests and offer them the opportunity to have proper conversations with us. We like to offer a more personal and authentic experience that is at the same time professional.[…]

JUL 2017. La revista Francesa de ciudades en transición y arquitectura Ecologik ha publicado un artículo sobre nosotros!
Yök, à l’écriture et à la phonétique internacionales,
est le nom d’un nouveau lieu où se poser quelques jours, le temps de découvrir la Barcelona real, l’autre facette d’une grande ville galvaudée par son tourisme. C’est aussi une entrée dans le monde d’un design inventif dont l’ambition est d’allier l’esthétique, le bien-être et le confort à l’écologie.[…]

ABR 2017. Das Hotel von morgen: Social Hub und Holistic Experiences por Andreas Reiter del ZTB ZUKUNFTSBÜRO.
[…] Das Hotel wird zum Social Hub, zu einer Familie – die neuen Hotel-Brands Jo & Joe, Ruby Marie/Sophie etc.) wollen eine Intimität und Nähe herstellen, sind quasi begehbare „Personas“ (starke Marken stehen ja generell für Intimacy). Attraktive Hotelling-Konzepte erfüllen die postmoderne Sehnsucht nach
• dem „regional Tätowierten“ (wunderbar differenziert in seiner lokalen Produkt-Semantik ist z.B. das yök Casa + Cultura in Barcelona)
• nach Orientierung (das Hotel als Kurator, allen voran das Berliner Bikini mit seinem integrierten Konzept: Hotel und Concept-Mall)
• immersivem Reisen (Eintauchen in die Alltagsweyök Casa + Cultura_yok-Casa-ABC (1)_lt, Einheimischer auf Zeit sein).[…]

ABR 2017. More than an eco-friendly place to stay por Cristina, La Ecoturista.

yök Casa + Cultura are luxury green apartments with hotel services, but the managers, Petz and Mari, prefer to name it “casas” (houses) because they go to great lengths to make you feel at home, and to offer you the information you need to live an authentic experience in Barcelona. For example, activities and events with local people, or a tour guided by them. Their values are very clear: People, Profit, and Planet […]

FEB 2017. Top spots in Passeig de Sant Joan por Isabelle Kliger para Scandinavian Traveler (SAS).

[…] This stylish eco-hotel consists of three immaculately-renovated luxury apartments that each sleeps four to eight people. The apartments, which were eco-renovated by Luxembourgish eco-designer Petz Scholtus and co-founder Mari Marañís in 2014, are all housed in a Modernist building dating back to 1900. A stay here may include taking part in a natural wine tasting ­session or Catalan breakfast on the rooftop that provides one of the most breathtaking views ­Barcelona has to offer. […]

JAN 2017. Salimos en la tele francesa! Odile y Luca del programa de viaje «City Two» de Voyage se quedaron en la Casa A.
Voyage TV franceVídeo no abiertamente disponible.

Un Hébergement design et totalement écologique, et surtout un accueil 100% barcelonais chez Petz et María.

NOV 2016. Nos visitó Silke Wichert de la the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Ein Hotel mitten in Barcelona, in dem Kind und Kegel Platz haben und das sogar auch noch klimafreundlich ausgestattet ist? Geht! Und zwar ganz in der Nähe von schicken Bars und Restaurants. […]

NOV 2016. ¡Salimos en la tele! Gracias al equipo de Verd Primera de BTV por la visita. (Nota: Las imágenes entre el minuto 0:47 y 1:15 no son de yök.)

JUL 2016. Slow Barcelona. Una guía para visitar Barcelona en plan relax por el Sunday Times Travel.

JUL 2016. Barcelona’s Best Roof Terraces La escritora Isabelle Kliger opina que yök es una de ellas!

Few people know that this stylish eco-hotel, with its three immaculately renovated, luxury apartments, is also home to an impressive roof terrace. Although it is typically not open to the public, Yök hosts a number of exciting events on its rooftop, including natural wine tasting and a monthly supper club, fronted by British chef Philip Dundas, who cooks up a storm with his unique take on Scottish-Catalan fusion food. […]

JUN 2016. «Lëtzebuerger an der Welt«, escucha la entrevista con Petz para RTL Radio Luxembourg.

“Haut geet d’Rees op Barcelona. Déi lieweg katalanesch Haaptstad huet vill ze bidden, an ënnerdaach kéint ee bei enger Lëtzebuergerin kommen. D’Petz Scholtus lieft , scho 14 Joer zu Barcelona. De Christian Schmit war si besichen, a krut hire Projet YÖK erkläert… […]

JUN 2016. «yök, la Barcelona de verdad«. Una entrevista con Mari y Petz por MAASÅI MAGAZINE.

“Nos tomamos en serio la sostenibilidad, el diseño, la hospitalidad y la Barcelona real.” Así comienza, nada más y nada menos, el manifiesto de Petz Scholtus y Mari Rodríguez Marañís -eco-diseñadora la primera, experta en gestión de calidad la segunda- fundadoras de yök. ¿Pero qué es yök? Se trata de unos apartamentos, o como a ellas les gusta decir, una casa, un lugar de encuentro donde alojarse, un sitio donde sentirse en Barcelona, pero en la Barcelona de verdad. […]

MAY 2016. Salimos en Urlaubsarchitectur!

[…] Where possible, recycled materials have been used: the kitchens were built from old wooden pallets and the bathrooms feature second hand mirrors and sinks. The hosts, a product designer and a hotel manager, have their office on the eighth floor of the building. There is also a roof terrace with views across the the city, all the way to the Sagrada Familia. The terrace is the venue for various cultural events and can be booked by guests upon request.[…]

strong>ABR 2016. Chiara Saraceno escribió sobre nosotros en la AD Spazio!

[…] Il progetto vuole essere una critica al turismo di massa e questo è stato reso possibile attraverso una ristrutturazione degli spazi basata sulla progettazione ecocompatibile, sul riciclo creativo, o upcycling (come preferiscono definirlo le autrici), sull’amore per il dettaglio e su una gestione degli spazi mirata a favorire la socialità. […]

FEB 2016. María Muñoz nos entrevistó para la revista METAL.

[…] ¿Por qué es un alojamiento ecológico? Petz: En Yök se priorizan –siempre que sea posible– los productos y materiales locales. Se han colocado dispositivos de ahorro de agua y eficiencia energética para ayudar a ahorrar recursos, sin sacrificar la experiencia de los huéspedes. Yök Casa representa el alojamiento y cómo ahorrar recursos. ¿Y Casa + Cultura? Mari: La cultura es el otro aspecto importante de Yök. Arriba, en la terraza y en nuestra oficina multifuncional, organizamos eventos para los barceloneses y visitantes. Es importante no crear una burbuja turística en una ciudad y mostrar un turismo diferente, bueno para el desarrollo local, las personas y el planeta. […]

OCT 2015. Robert de Pretty Hotels dice que somos un «pretty hotel», yay! Mírate también sus fotos, son muy chulas.


Mari and Petz had an idea: why not make three pretty apartments out of an enormous old fashioned flat and to rent them out to like-minded people. The nice thing: in 2014 they realized their idea and created Yök Casa + Cultura. We were allowed to test it. In the first place: Yök Casa + Cultura is not a hotel in the conventional sense. You already notice this at an early stage. You text your arrival time on whatsapp and arrive in front of a locked wooden door. […]

SEP 2015. Fantastic Spot. yök por Raül de Tena de Fantastic Plastic Magazine. Desde el mismo blog nos publicaron nuestro primer artículo en la prensa!

[…] Pero hay una cosa que adviertes tan sólo con traspasar el umbral de entrada de yök: esto no es sólo un lugar en el que llevar la sostenibilidad a su máxima expresión… No. Además de eso, yök es un proyecto de dos chicas que creen profundamente que otro modelo de turismo es posible, que pueden existir hostales, hoteles o apartamentos turísticos que sean humanos, que tengan alma y en los que no sientas esa infinita tristeza inherente a los grandes grupos hoteleros que ofrecen una experiencia global y homogénea pero vaciada por completo de espíritu. A Petz y a Mari se les ve un brillo de ilusión muy profundo cuando hablan de su proyecto, un brillo que han acabado por trasladar a un manifiesto (que puedes leer aquí) en el que brillan puntos como “Mostrar la auténtica Barcelona: la de los barceloneses y no la promovida por las guías turísticas. […]



YEP, YÖK CASA + CULTURA IN BARCELONA IS HOT. Located at a great spot, right at the hip el Borne and adjacent Eixample area and also at walking distance from the big shopping area here in Barcelona, yök Casa + Cultura is the place to be. SMART CATALAN INTERIOR ECO-DESIGN We just love how the rooms are decorated. It’s visible that this is the work of an interior designer that knows what she’s doing. Here it’s all eco-friendly.[…]

SEP 2015. Emma, trás su visita, escribió sobre nosotros para ELLE Decoration


[…] The seven of us shared a beautiful four bedroom apartment, with amazing mosaic tile floors in all rooms, a big kitchen made from recycled planks, gorgeous stuccoed ceilings, and lots of light. The unique part of yök is the Cultura part. Mari and Petz have their office on the top floor of the building, with access to a big rooftop terrace, where they host events to bring visitors and locals together, and to add to the Barcelona cultural life […]

JUL 2015. Styling with Delica and a rooftop dinner Por DESIREE para Vosgesparis.


[…] On my last day in Barcelona, I returned to yök with Maite, Pablo and photographer Albert Font where we continued playing around with some of the products in one of the other apartments. […]

JUL 2015. Spanish Design: yök Casa + Cultura Barcelona via the Happy Interior Blog!


A new week has commenced and I have a new design accommodation tip for you – if you plan a trip to Barcelona you might want to have a look at this fabulous ‘home away from home’: yök Casa + Cultura Barcelona. The Casa yök is something in between a hotel and an airbnb apartment – it has the feeling of a private home in Barcelona, yet it is not inhabited year-round by tenants. Instead the two owners of yök Casa + Cultura, Petz and Mari, run their office on the top floor of the building and act not only as owners but more as friends and easy-going locals who will give you the best tips to experience Barcelona the ‘real way’ – not the way a tourist guide recommends. […]

JUL 2015. Urlaub mal anders: Design-Hostels in Barcelona Por Igor Josif para Roombeez, Otto.


[…] Hier hat man so etwas wie ein intimes, privates Zuhause für die Zeit des Aufenthalts in Barcelona. Dabei sind die Apartments für vier bzw. acht Personen ausgelegt. Atemberaubend schön sind alle drei Wohnungen – mit originalen Mosaik- und Fliesenböden aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, alten Holztüren, hohen Fenstern und Stuck. Eine Dachterrasse bietet außerdem einen wunderbaren 360-Grad-Blick rund um Barcelona. […]

JUL 2015. Más sobre nosotros en finlandés! Por Susanna Vento, con reportaje fotográfico!


Yök Casan nimi on helppo muistaa, vaikkakaan paikka ei todellakaan mikään yök ole. 1900-luvulla rakennetusta talosta remontointiin vuosi sitten majoituskäyttöön kolme luksusasuntoa – A, B ja C. […]

JUL 2015. Lee acerca de nosotros en design i sentrum!


Looking for an inspiring place to stay whilst in Barcelona? You’ve definitely come to the right place! yök Casa + Cultura not only offer you a bed to sleep in and a roof over your head, – add design, innovation, sustainability, culture and interaction, set it in an historical context and finally sprinkle some modern upcycled design over it, and you’ll begin to get an idea of why this place has ticked all our boxes. […]

JUN 2015. Gracias Vincent Degroote por hablar de nosotros en el Venuez Magazine!


Trois maisons rénovées dans le respect de la démarche écologique forment ensemble les ‘casas’ de yök, un concept innovant au coeur de Barcelone. Les entrepreneurs Petz Scholtus et Mari Rodríguez ont uni leurs forces et présentent avec le projet yök un mode de nuitée alternatif. […]

MAYO 2015. Héctor Llanos escribo sobre nosotros para El Huffington Post: Diseño sostenible para una nueva forma de alojarse en Barcelona.


Un edificio modernista que acoge tres viviendas reformadas bajo una concepción ecológica es el nuevo concepto de alojamiento que propone el proyecto yök Casa + Cultura en Barcelona. No se trata de un hotel, pero tampoco es un apartamento vacacional típico. Lo que busca este bed & breakfast ecológico es un turismo que sea integrador y no masivo. Lo hace a través de la innovación ecológica y del diseño sostenible, sin dejar de ser útil y divertido. […]

MAY 2015. Salimos en el GEO Saison Reisemagazin!


MAYO 2015. yök en hippe sippe: Unser Tipp für Stadtentdecker und Familien mit größeren Kindern.


Besonders schön ist der aufenthalt in Barcelona in den eco-friendly und ästhetisch gestalteten yök Appartements. Petz Scholtus und Maria Jose Rodriguez Maranis berufliche wurzeln liegen im design und hotelmanagement und sie haben yök Casa + Cultura ins Leben gerufen um zu demonstrieren, dass ein anderer Tourismus, der nachhaltig und ästhetisch ist, möglich ist. Das beweisen sie mit den drei Appartements, die hip gestaltet und nachhaltig saniert sind. […]

ABR 2015. Exclusive Barcelona Eco Travel Guide por Premium Europe.


With out-of-control mass tourism in Barcelona making the headlines last summer, the city is slowly beginning to turn towards more sustainable ways of attracting tourists. From a brand new eco-friendly B&B to innovative restaurants using home-grown products, everyone is trying to do their bit to reduce our ecological footprint and make Barcelona a smarter destination. […]

ABR 2015. Inspector Hotelowy Escibió sobre nosotros en Polaco!


To nie jest hotel, ale nie są to także zwykłe apartamenty na wynajem. Centralnie zlokalizowany yök Casa + Cultura oferuje prywatną, domową atmosferę, hotelowy serwis oraz możliwość integracji z innymi podróżnymi i mieszkańcami Barcelony. […]

FEB 2015. One fine day in Barcelona, Smart Magazine visita yök!

FEB 2015. «The real Barcelona exists». Smart Magazine entrevista a Petz Scholtus.


smart magazine: Mrs. Scholtus, what’s the idea behind Yök?
Petz Scholtus: Yök Casa Cultura is a new way of staying in Barcelona. We realized that it was getting difficult to find and experience the real Barcelona as a tourist because of all the mass tourism. But this real Barcelona still exists. There are all the locals with their individual lives and it is an amazing city. When you stay at Yök, you can get in touch with us and the locals. We don‘t want to create another tourist bubble – it’s all about the right mix of residents and tourists. […]

FEB 2015. Uma hospedagem sustentável e autêntica en Casa Vogue, Brasil.


A construção do yök Casa + Cultura, nova opção de hospedagem em Barcelona, começou com a intenção do ecodesigner Petz Scholtus e da administradora hoteleira Mari Rodríguez de criarem uma alternativa à hotelaria de massa que predomina na região central da cidade. […]

ENE 2015. Gorgeous Catalan building renovated into an eco-friendly hostel in Barcelona. Por Lidija Grozdanic para Inhabitat.


Petz Scholtus renovated this gorgeous modern Catalan building into a hotel that offers eco-friendly accommodations in Barcelona. The designer teamed up with hotel management expert Mari Rodriguez and created Yök Casa + Cultura, which opened last summer. The team combined existing features of Catalan Modernism – like the high decorative ceilings, gorgeous mosaic tiles, beautiful etched glass and amazing wooden sliding balcony doors – with reused, VOC-­free and recyclable materials. […]

ENE 2015. Gracias Brian Gallagher por «Yök Casa + Cultura, Ecoturismo Urbano» en la B-Guided!


[…] Cada elemento de este proyecto es producto de una investigación exhaustiva y un minucioso análisis: el consumo de agua y energía, el mobiliario, el diseño gráfico y la comunicación. En esencia, el proyecto es una celebración de lo que la ciudad es, fue y puede ser en el futuro. Para una ciudad obsesionada con el diseño, lo más adecuado es que todo el mobiliario y las instalaciones sean de procedencia local. […]

ENE 2015. Modernismo Ecológico en El Periódico.


Antiguos y coloridos mosaicos que decoran el suelo, fundas de sofá hechas con sacos de café, asientos de cartón y perchas de madera que cuelgan de un hilo de la pared forman parte de la decoración de tres bed and breakfast (B&B) ecológicos emplazados en un bonito edificio modernista de Trafalgar, 39. […]

ENE 2015. yök, a set of apartments introduces a new accommodation concept for tourists visiting Barcelona en Attitude.

logo attitude

[…] It’s on the terrace with a breathtaking overview of Barcelona that the hosts develop activities with the guests; these focus on raising awareness for issues of sustainable tourism, a subject particularly relevant in a city struggling to cope with the consequences of mass tourism.

DIC 2014. yök entre LOS MEJORES HOTELES DEL 2014 por Petite Passport.


The results are in. After a year of travelling and making more than 100 Tried & Tested’s I can now present you the best of the best. These are the Places You Had To Visit in 2014: the places everyone talked about. So what’s your score? […]

DIC 2014. Bamboo Magazine de Brasil escribió sobre nosotros! Gracias Camila Régis.


Construído em três casas reformadas de 1900, o hotel e centro cultural yök Casa + Cultura, em Barcelona, aposta em novas perspectivas de turismo. Mostrar a face mais genuína de Barcelona para visitantes e alertar sobre o turismo predatório são os objetivos da designer Petz Scholtus, nascida em Luxemburgo e radicada na Espanha, e da gerente de hotel espanhola Mari Rodríguez. […]

NOV 2014. Aquí el  video de Divendres magazine de TV3. En el minuto 01:44:00 mira lo que dicen de nosotros (en Catalán).


NOV 2014.«ECO LOCATION Architectural heritage meets modern sustainability principles at thoughtful Barcelona B&B» por Rob Wilkes para We Heart.


[…] At yök, a commitment to the principles of eco design (reuse, recycle, reduce, restore, respect) is married to a reverence for the architectural features of the properties – these include decorative high ceilings, mosaic tiles, etched glass and sliding wooden doors. Cultura comes from a programme of events on that amazing roof space, which are organised to bring together locals and foreign tourists to help ensure their guests’ visit to the city doesn’t have to take place in a “tourist bubble”.

OCT 2014.«L’appartamento Spagnolo» de Stefano Lento de Living Magazine in Italy.


[…] Accogliente come una casa, Yök è un residence in puro stile catalano che mixa tradizione e contemporaneità. Nato dall’idea di María José Rodríguez Marañís, quality hotel manager, e Petz Scholtus, designer appassionata di eco sostenibilità, YÖK è un appartamento per persone curiose e alla ricerca di un soggiorno lontano dal turismo di massa. Non amano definirlo un albergo, a loro non piace questa etichetta, cercano piuttosto il modo di fare sentire gli ospiti come a casa propria. […]

OCT 2014. Mari y Petz en una entrevistada por Gabriela de Barcelonogy.


I don’t feel as if I was entering in a hotel, but I already know that Yök Casa + Cultura is much more than that. The entrance, among the most beautiful ones that modernism could have offered, contrasts with a lift from the 70s with its walls all scarred; both elements are already bringing authenticity to the experience. I get to the eighth floor. In the landing, inhabited by a group of plants, the light overflows and a door -where I read Yök’s logo- waits to be opened. I’m about to meet María José Rodríguez Marañís (Barcelona, 1978) and Petz Scholtus (Luxembourg, 1980), Yök’s creators. […]

OCT 2014. Salimos en  Revista luxemburguesa de Arquitectura Archiduc #9.


La designer luxembourgeoise Petz Scholtus a ouvert au cours de l’été avec Mari Rodriguez un lieu d’un nouveau genre à Barcelone. L’idée de départ est la déclinaison d’un project de Petz Scholtus, le R3project, une maison eco-friendly située dans le quartier du Barrio Gótico. […]

OCT 2014. Ellen Himelfarb escribió sobre nosotros para wallpaper*.


When the Luxembourg-born product designer Petz Scholtus met hotel manager Mari Rodríguez, she was finally able to leave her drafting board for a longed-for career in eco-tourism. The two purchased a trio of century-old townhouses in the Catalan Modernist tradition and knocked them through, installing a sustainable interior heavy on recycled woods and lighting, which work quietly against the original mosaics, frescoes and cornicing. […]

OCT 2014. Ida de When in Barcelona escribió sobre nosotros  un artículo para la revista sueca del Metro.


«Yök är inte ditt typiska hotell och inte heller din typiska turistlägenhet. Dessa ekorenoverade lägenheter, belägna i ett typisk katalanskt, modernistiskt hus från 1900-talet, erbjuder ett lyxigt men hemtrevligt boende i centrala Barcelona där gästerna får möjligheten att komma nära inpå och verkligen lära känna lokalbefolkningen och staden. […]

OCT 2014. Yök Casa + Cultura de Lady San Pedro para Miniguide.


«Whatever your views are on the “Tourist go home!” messages graffiti-scrawled throughout the city, you can’t possibly oppose an effort to inspire a more elegant tourism in Barcelona. Unexpectedly setting themselves up with the task is Yök Casa + Cultura: a B&B just off Urquinaona whose newly eco-renovated spaces shine not only with a more responsible approach to urban living, but also with that cool factor people come to the city for. With white-molded ceilings, distinctive Modernista tiles, a Nordic design sensibility and balconies overlooking sun-dappled façades, Yök is the type of Instagram-perfect apartment you post that gets likes by the second. Hashtag stunning. […]

OCT 2014. Los diseñadores barceloneses fomentan elegante turismo en YÖK Casa + Cultura.


«We are not a hotel, but we are not your typical rental apartment either. Think of our casas as your own private home that comes with a hotel-like service and the social fun of your local hangout.» This how yök Casa + Cultura defines its company philosophy and how the atmosphere it provides caters to everyone’s needs. The resort is defined by three units, all dating back to the 1900s, that have been renovated following eco-design principles. […]

SET 2014. yök en SOGOODSOCUTE.


A parte de la moda, me encanta la arquitectura, el diseño de interiores y la decoración en general. Y más, si cuenta con un fuerte componente de ecodiseño. Por ello me he enamorado locamente (si me sigues en Facebook ya lo habrás visto porque el otro día lo compartí) de Yök Casa+Cultura, unos apartamentos turísticos que han abierto sus puertas hace apenas unas semanas en Barcelona y que, además de ser tremendamente bonitos, son totalmente sostenibles. ¿Te apetece echarles un vistazo? […]

SET 2014. yök Casa + Cultura. B&B de turismo ecológico en Barcelona. Via diarioDESIGN.


En un verano de polémica por el turismo masivo y ‘de borrachera’ en algunas zonas populares y céntricas de Barcelona, yök Casa + Cultura ha abierto sus puertas con la vocación de apostar por una aternativa diferente. Este nuevo establecimiento, un híbrido entre hotel con encanto, apartamento eco-turístico, bed & breakfast y la-acogedora-casa-de-una-prima-diseñadora, es el sueño hecho realidad de la ecodesigner Petz Scholtus -una luxemburguesa afincada desde hace años en la ciudad condal- y la experta en gestión hotelera Mari Rodríguez -100% barcelonesa. Yök ofrece 3 apartamentos para alquilar por noches, además de un ático donde está la oficina junto a una terraza con imponentes vistas y un espacio para eventos culturales dirigidos a los habitantes de la ciudad. […]

MAY 2014. Kirsten van Dam de Out of Office escribió sobre nosotros, y nos llama un bonito-lugar-para-estar! Nos gusta, gracias!


Whilst Kirsten was working in Barcelona – she met up again with Petz, who took her on a tour through an amazing (still in renovation) apartment, that will be soon open! What is it? Eco-friendly, social, local, practical and fun, paying special attention to aesthetics, authenticity and the world around us. […]

MAY 2011.  R3project isnpiró a la desiñadora Petz para crear yök. Aquí un  video sobre el proyecto realizado por *faircompanies


Most designers begin a remodel by choosing what to trash. Petz Scholtus chose what to collect from the trash to be upcycled (recycled for a higher use).
When Scholtus bought her Barcelona apartment in 2006 it had no plumbing nor electricity, though it had some choice trash, like the long piece of glass she stopped her construction crew from throwing away. With two sawhorses (recovered from the street) for legs, it became her dining room table.
Other furniture was scavenged directly from the street, like a chair she later covered with old newspapers (mostly from Scholtus’ native Luxembourg) and her ubiquitous Bidon lamps made from used jerry cans and CFL lightbulbs. […]

MAR 2009. Si quieres saber más sobre el R3project que inspiró yök, lee  el artículo del NYTimes de Penelope Green!

The floor tiles made from smashed television screens did not, in the end, work out. Neither did the pulley system Petz Scholtus’s boyfriend rigged to haul her stuff up three very steep flights of stairs to her new apartment in the Barri Gòtic, or old city, when she moved in over a year ago. But the move itself — by bicycle through the streets of the oldest and most cinematic neighborhoods here — was a carbon-neutral success. (It helped that Ms. Scholtus had no furniture then.) So, too, were other elements of her eco-renovation. […]